
May 2023


Trading Options: An Advanced Technique for Maximising Returns in Stock Trading

Options trading is an advanced technique that can maximise returns in stock trading. It involves the right to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price and time. Options trading is a versatile tool used to generate income, protect investments, or speculate on market movements. In this article, we will explore the basics of options trading, the benefits of options trading, and strategies for maximising returns in stock trading using options.

What are Options?

An option is a type of financial contract that grants the holder the choice, rather than the requirement, to purchase or sell an underlying asset at a previously agreed-upon price and time. The purchaser of an option pays a premium to the seller, who is obligated to buy or sell the underlying asset if the buyer chooses to exercise the option. Options are utilised to safeguard against potential losses or to speculate on market changes.

Types of Options

There are two types of options: call options and put options. Call options allow the holder to purchase the underlying asset at a previously agreed-upon price, known as the strike price, before the option’s expiration date.

On the other hand, put options grant the holder the right to sell it at a predetermined price, known as the strike price, before the option’s expiration date.

Benefits of Options Trading

There are several benefits of options trading in stock trading, including:

  1. Limited Risk: Options trading can limit the risk of losses by buying options instead of the underlying asset. The buyer of an option only risks the premium paid for the option, which is the maximum potential loss.
  2. Versatility: Options trading is a versatile tool used to generate income, protect investments, or speculate on market movements.
  3. Flexibility: Options trading provides flexibility to traders by enabling them to adjust their positions based on market conditions.
  4. Leverage: Options trading can provide leverage, which can amplify returns. This leverage can also increase risk, so it is vital to understand the risks of options trading.

Maximising Returns with Options Trading

Options trading can maximise returns in online stock trading through various strategies. Here are a few strategies that traders can use to maximise returns with options trading:

  1. Covered Call Writing: Covered call writing involves selling call options on a stock the trader owns. The trader receives a premium for selling the call option, which can provide income. If the stock price remains below the strike price, the option expires worthless, and the trader keeps the premium. If the stock price rises above the strike price, the trader must sell the stock at the strike price but still keeps the premium.
  2. Protective Put: Protective put involves buying options on a stock the trader already owns. The put option provides downside protection if the stock price falls. If the stock price remains stable or rises, the put option expires worthless, and the trader loses the premium. If the stock price falls below the strike price, the put option provides a way that offsets the loss in the stock price.
  3. Straddle: The trading strategy known as a Straddle consists of purchasing both a call option and a put option for the same stock, with identical strike prices and expiration dates. This approach is employed when a trader anticipates a significant price shift in either direction. If the stock price rises above the strike price, the call option generates returns while the put option expires unused. Conversely, if the stock price falls below the strike price, the put option generates returns while the call option expires unused.
  4. Iron Condor: The Iron Condor trading strategy involves selling both a call option and a put option at a higher strike price while simultaneously purchasing a call option and a put option at a lower strike price. This strategy is typically used when the trader anticipates that the stock price will remain relatively stable or fluctuate within a specific range. By selling the call and put options, the trader receives a premium, which they keep if the stock price stays within the expected range and the options expire worthless. To limit potential losses if the stock price moves outside the predicted range, the trader purchases a call and put options with lower strike prices.
  5. Butterfly Spread: Butterfly spread involves buying a call option and a put option with the same strike price and selling two call options and two put options, one with a higher strike price and one with a lower strike price. The butterfly spread strategy is used when the trader expects the stock price to remain stable but not necessarily at the current price. If the stock price remains close to the strike price, the trader take advantage from the premiums received for selling the call and put options. If the stock price moves outside the range, the trader may experience losses, but these losses are limited due to purchasing the call and putting options with the same strike price.

Risks of Options Trading

While options trading can maximise returns in stock trading, it also involves risks that traders should be aware of. The risks of options trading include the following:

  1. Limited Time: Options have a limited time frame; if the option is not exercised before the expiration date, it expires worthless.
  2. Volatility: Options prices are affected by market volatility, and sudden market movements can result in significant losses.
  3. Leverage: Options trading involves leverage, which can amplify returns and increase risk.
  4. Complexity: Options trading can be complex and requires a good understanding of options pricing, trading strategies, and market conditions.


Options trading is an advanced technique that can maximise returns in stock trading. Options provide flexibility, versatility, and limited risk. Traders can use various strategies, such as covered call writing, protective put, straddle, iron condor, and butterfly spread, to maximise returns with options trading. However, options trading also involves risks like limited time, volatility, leverage, and complexity. Traders should have a good understanding of options trading before incorporating it into their investment strategy. Overall, options trading can be a valuable tool for traders looking to maximise returns in stock trading.

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