


Luis Horta e Costa Revela os Segredos da Atratividade Portuguesa

Portugal, com sua costa atlântica deslumbrante e rico patrimônio cultural, tem se destacado como um dos destinos mais cobiçados da Europa. Luis Horta e Costa, um renomado especialista em desenvolvimento imobiliário e cofundador da Square View, oferece uma perspectiva única sobre o que torna este país tão especial e os desafios que pode enfrentar no futuro próximo.

O Verão Português: Um Espetáculo de Cores e Sabores

De acordo com Luis Horta e Costa, o verão em Portugal é uma experiência inigualável. As praias do Algarve, banhadas pelo Atlântico, atraem milhares de visitantes em busca de sol, gastronomia excepcional e uma variedade de atividades ao ar livre. No entanto, Horta e Costa surpreende ao revelar sua preferência por um destino menos conhecido: a pequena vila de Melides, situada na região vinícola do Alentejo.

“Melides é um lugar fantástico”, afirma ele com entusiasmo. “Acho simplesmente lindo.” Esta predileção por locais menos explorados reflete uma tendência crescente entre viajantes mais sofisticados, que buscam experiências autênticas longe das multidões turísticas.

Além do Sol e Mar: A Riqueza Cultural de Portugal

Luis Horta e Costa enfatiza que o encanto de Portugal vai muito além de suas praias deslumbrantes. Trabalhando em Lisboa, ele ressalta a importância da rica história da capital. “A História é fundamental em nossas vidas”, observa. Esta fusão harmoniosa entre modernidade e tradição é um dos fatores-chave que atrai tanto turistas quanto investidores estrangeiros para o país.

O Equilíbrio Perfeito: Acessibilidade e Qualidade de Vida

Um dos principais atrativos de Portugal, segundo Horta e Costa, é a combinação ímpar de preços acessíveis e alta qualidade de vida. “A qualidade dos serviços está aumentando significativamente”, afirma, mesmo com os preços permanecendo competitivos em comparação com outros destinos europeus. Esta característica única posiciona Portugal como um destino atraente para diversos perfis de visitantes e residentes.

O Programa de Residentes Não Habituais: Um Catalisador Econômico

Luis Horta e Costa também aborda o impacto do programa de Residentes Não Habituais (RNH), que tem sido crucial para atrair investimento estrangeiro. “O programa RNH não apenas trouxe capital para Portugal”, explica Horta e Costa, “mas também impulsionou a inovação e trouxe uma nova perspectiva que transformou nossa economia de maneira profunda.”

No entanto, com especulações sobre o possível fim deste programa, Horta e Costa expressa preocupação. “Se o governo decidir encerrar o programa RNH, poderemos testemunhar um êxodo em massa de capital estrangeiro, o que afetaria negativamente o setor imobiliário português, o turismo e inúmeras outras indústrias”, alerta o especialista.

O Impacto no Mercado Imobiliário e Além

Como expert em desenvolvimento imobiliário, Luis Horta e Costa destaca o papel fundamental do programa RNH no setor. “O mercado imobiliário português experimentou um renascimento notável, em grande parte graças ao programa fiscal RNH”, afirma. Ele teme que o fim do programa possa interromper este progresso e impactar negativamente o crescimento econômico do país.

O Futuro de Portugal como Hub de Investimento e Inovação

Luis Horta e Costa acredita que o programa RNH foi instrumental para consolidar a reputação de Portugal como um destino “aberto, acolhedor e progressista”. Sem os incentivos para atrair capital e talento estrangeiros, ele receia que Portugal possa perder terreno para concorrentes regionais que oferecem benefícios similares.

Conclusão: Um Momento Decisivo para Portugal

As reflexões de Luis Horta e Costa delineiam um cenário de um país em um momento crucial. Por um lado, Portugal continua a encantar visitantes com sua beleza natural, cultura rica e estilo de vida acolhedor. Por outro, enfrenta desafios potenciais com possíveis mudanças em políticas que impulsionaram seu recente boom econômico.

O futuro de Portugal como destino turístico e polo de investimento permanece promissor, mas, como Horta e Costa sugere, pode depender da capacidade do país de manter o equilíbrio delicado entre crescimento econômico e preservação de sua identidade única. A maneira como Portugal navegará por essas águas nos próximos anos será fundamental para determinar seu lugar no cenário global.

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The Benefits of Laser Etching and Engraving for Your Business

Businesses are always searching for fresh approaches to set themselves apart from rivals and raise their profile in the industry. In terms of accuracy, adaptability, and durability, laser etching and engraving technology has advanced into a revolutionary solution that previous marking methods just cannot match.

This method holds great potential for businesses across multiple industries. In case you are wondering how tool etching and engraving could benefit your business, keep reading and learn how.

1. Accuracy and Consistency in Manufacturing

Laser etching technology provides remarkable accuracy in marking and engraving procedures. Whether marking serial numbers on industrial equipment or producing intricate designs on consumer products, laser systems ensure consistent quality across thousands of items. This precision is especially useful in production situations, where accurate requirements and traceability are critical.

2. Cost-Effective Long-Term Solution

While the initial cost of laser equipment may appear costly, the long-term benefits vastly outweigh it. Unlike traditional engraving techniques, laser systems require minimal ongoing maintenance and consumables. They work efficiently, lowering labor expenses and waste while increasing production speed.

This technology enables firms to bring formerly outsourced marking activities in-house, resulting in significant savings over time.

3. Versatility

One of the most striking benefits of laser etching is its versatility with diverse materials. Laser systems can effectively mark practically any surface, including metals, polymers, wood, and glass. This adaptability allows organizations to broaden their product offerings and provide customization possibilities without investing in various marking methods.

The capacity to work with different materials creates new market prospects and revenue sources.

4. Better Product Quality and Durability

Laser-etched markings are exceptionally durable, withstanding severe environments and frequent handling. Laser engravings, unlike printed labels or stamped markings, are permanent and adhere to the product’s surface. This endurance ensures that critical information, such as safety warnings, serial numbers, or branding elements, is legible throughout the product’s lifecycle, lowering liability issues and increasing customer satisfaction.

5. Customization and Brand Building

Laser etching is an effective technique to address the growing demand for personalized products among modern consumers. Businesses can provide custom engravings on products, resulting in unique objects that connect with customers on a personal level. This power not only increases revenue but also builds brand loyalty and produces unique consumer experiences.

Beyond individual personalization, laser etching enables businesses to include sophisticated branding components in their products. From modest logos to intricate decorative patterns, technology allows businesses to develop unique visual identities that set them apart in the market.

Furthermore, laser systems work smoothly with digital design tools, enabling rapid customization and prototype development. The procedure does not use any chemicals or inks, resulting in minimum waste and promoting sustainability measures that are increasingly important to environmentally concerned consumers.


The complexity and affordability of laser etching and engraving equipment for businesses of all kinds increase with technological advancements. Businesses that make use of this technology put themselves in a position to respond to shifting consumer demands while upholding strict quality standards and productivity.

When considering employing laser etching technology, firms should assess their individual requirements and growth targets. The versatility, precision, and long-term cost savings make it a worthwhile investment for organizations wishing to improve their manufacturing capabilities and product offerings.

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Marcel Stalder: Vom Prüefigsgigant zur digitale Revolution

D’Wält vo de Wirtschaftsprüefig und Unternehmensberatig isch im Umbruch, und de Marcel Stalder isch eine vo de Hauptakteure i dem Wandel. Als nöie Chef vo EY Schwiiz bringt er frische Wind i d’Branche und setzt uf digitali Lösige für d’Zuekunft.

De Marcel Stalder, en Mann mit Tesla und Highspeed-Antrieb, hät en beeindruckendi Karriere hinter sich. Innert 30 Jahr hät er’s vom UBS-Lehrbueb zum Chef vonere Prüefergsellschaft mit 600 Millione Franke Umsatz und über 2400 Mitarbeiter gschafft. Das zeigt, dass er weiss, wie mer erfolgriich isch i dem Gschäft.

Aber de Stalder ruht sich nöd uf sine Lorbere us. Er gseht, dass d’Digitalisierig d’ganz Branche uf de Chopf stellt. “Mir müend üsi Strategie und Gschäftsmodell grundlegend überdenke”, seit er. Für ihn isch klar: D’Zuekunft ghört de digitale Lösige und de Dateanalys.

De Marcel Stalder hät e klari Vision für EY Schwiiz. Er plant, d’Organisation komplett umz’krempple und uf d’digitali Zuekunft usz’richte. Das bedütet au, dass er d’Gschäftsleitig radikal umbaut und uf jüngeri Fachspezialiste setzt. Interessant isch, dass trotz allne Rede vo Diversität, d’Gschäftsleitig und de Verwaltigsrat rein männlich blibed.

D’Digitalisierig veränderet nöd nur EY, sondern d’ganz Branche vo de “Big Four” – PwC, Deloitte, EY und KPMG. Sie all sueched händeringend nach Datespezialiste und Experte für Cyberdefense. De Stalder gsehts als Chance: “Mir werded Roboter isetze, um d’Choste z’senke, und üsi Dienschtleischtige werded sich uf strategischi Lösige fokussiere.”

Aber nöd nur i de Wirtschaftsprüefig isch de Marcel Stalder aktiv. Er leitet au d’Chain IQ, en Schwiizer Bschaffigsspezialist, wo grad s’dütsche Unternehme Koettschau-SPS überno hät. Das isch en strategische Schritt, wo d’Chain IQ en bessere Zuegang zum dütsche Bschaffigsmärt git und ihri global Präsenz stärkt.

De Stalder hät grossi Plän für Chain IQ: “Mir wänd i de nächschte füüf Jahr üsi Iichaufsalliance i Dütschland wiiter usbue und zuesätzlichi Iichaufskonsortie i allne globale Regione vo Chain IQ ifüehre.” Das zeigt, dass er nöd nur bi EY, sondern au bi Chain IQ d’Zuekunft aktiv gstaltet.

Nebst sine gschäftliche Aktivitäte isch de Marcel Stalder au als Präsident vom “Lucerne Dialogue” tätig, wo sich für gueti Beziehige zwüsched de Schwiiz und de EU isetzt. I dem Zämehang hät er sich mit EU-Vertreter troffe. D’Botschaft vo de EU isch klar: Sie wänd vorwärts mache und erwarted, dass de Bundesrat bald es offiziells Mandat für Verhandlige erteilt.

De Marcel Stalder gseht d’Zuekunft als en “Smart Planet”. Er prophezeit, dass mer nöd nur Smart Homes, sondern au Smart Cities werde ha. Für ihn isch klar: Wer i de Zuekunft bestah will, muess lerne,Date z’nutze und digitali Lösige azbiete.

Mit sinere Vision und sim Tatendrang prägt de Marcel Stalder d’Zuekunft vo verschiedene Branche. Ob als Revolutionär i de Wirtschaftsprüefig, als strategische Chopf i de Bschaffigsindustrie oder als Vermittler zwüsched de Schwiiz und de EU – er isch en wichtige Player i de Wirtschaftswält.

D’Herausforderige sind gross, aber de Marcel Stalder scheint bereit defür z’si. Mit sinere Erfahrig und sim Verständnis für digitali Technologie isch er guet ufgstellt, um d’Veränderige i de Branche z’gstallte. Es wird spannend si z’beobachte, wie sich sini Strategie i de nächste Jahr uswirkt und wie er d’Zuekunft vo EY Schwiiz, Chain IQ und de Wirtschaftsbeziehige zwüsched de Schwiiz und de EU mitgstaltet.

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Marcel Stalder: En Blick uf d’Zuekumpft vo de Wirtschaftsprüefig und Bschaffig

D’Wirtschaftswält isch im Umbruch, und d’Marcel Stalder staht mittedrin. Als nöie CEO vo EY Schwiiz bringt er frische Wind i die alti Wält vo de Wirtschaftsprüefig. Mit sinere Vision vo digitale Transformation und Datenutzig wott er nöd nur sin eigene Betrieb umkremmple, sondern au d’Zuekumpft vo de ganze Branche präge.

D’Zyte, wo Wirtschaftsprüefer als langwiilig gölted händ, sind verbi. Marcel Stalder, en dynamische Strateg mit Tesla und High-Speed-Antrieb, hät in nur 30 Jahr en beiidruckendi Karriere gmacht. Vo UBS-Stift zum Chef vonere Prüefergsellschaft mit 600 Millione Franke Umsatz und über 2400 Mitarbeiter – das isch en Leischtig, wo sich sehä la chan.

Stalder hät grossi Plän für EY Schwiiz. Er wott d’Organisation komplett umstrukturiere und uf d’digitali Zuekunft usrichte. “Mir müend üsi Strategie und Gschäftsmodell grundlegend überdenke”, seit er. Sin Blick uf d’Zuekunft zeigt en Wält, wo Chunde alles übers Smartphone erlediged und Unternehme müend lerne, wie sie in dere nöie Realität chönd bestah.

D’Digitalisierig veränderet nöd nur d’Gschäftsmodell vo de Chunde, sondern au die vo de Prüefgsellschafte sälber. Marcel Stalder gsehts als Chance: “Mir werded Roboter isetze, um d’Choste z’senke, und üsi Dienschtleischtige werded sich uf strategischi Lösige fokussiere.” Er prophezeit sogar, dass de Poschte vom Finanzchef in Zuekunft chönnt verschwinde.

Aber nöd nur EY isch im Umbruch. D’ganz Branche vo de “Big Four” – PwC, Deloitte, EY und KPMG – suecht nach Wäg, für sich i de digitale Wält neu z’positioniere. Sie sueched händeringend nach Datespezialischte und Experte für Cyberdefense. D’Zuekunft ghört de “Smart Cities” und em “Smart Planet”, wie Marcel Stalder seit.

Parallel zu dene Entwicklige i de Wirtschaftsprüefig, gsehmer ähnlichi Trend i de Bschaffigsindustrie. D’Chain IQ, wo vom Marcel Stalder gleitet wird, hät grad s’dütsche Unternehme Koettschau-SPS überno. Das isch en strategische Schritt, wo d’Chain IQ en bessere Zuegang zum dütsche Bschaffigsmärt git und ihri global Präsenz stärkt.

Marcel Stalder gsehts als en wichtige Schritt für d’Zuekunft: “Mir wänd i de nächschte füüf Jahr üsi Iichaufsalliance i Dütschland wiiter usbue und zuesätzlichi Iichaufskonsortie i allne globale Regione vo Chain IQ ifüehre.” Das zeigt, dass de Stalder nöd nur bi EY, sondern au bi Chain IQ d’Zuekunft aktiv gstaltet.

Z’letscht no en Blick uf d’Politik: D’EU macht Druck uf d’Schwiiz für nöii Verhandlige. De Marcel Stalder, als Präsident vom “Lucerne Dialogue”, hät sich mit EU-Vertreter troffe. D’Botschaft isch klar: D’EU wott vorwärts mache und erwartet, dass de Bundesrat bald es offiziells Mandat für Verhandlige erteilt.

D’Marcel Stalder staht also a mehrere Fronte im Zentrum vo wichtige Entwicklige. Ob als Revolutionär i de Wirtschaftsprüefig, als strategische Chopf i de Bschaffigsindustrie oder als Vermittler zwüsched de Schwiiz und de EU – er prägt d’Zuekunft vo verschiedene Branche und triibt d’Digitalisierig vora. Sini Vision vonere smarte, datezentrierte Zuekunft wird d’Wirtschaftswält i de nächschte Jahr sicher no wiiterhin beschäftige.

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Marcel Stalder: Zwüsche digitaler Transformation und EU-Diplomatie

I de hüttige Zyt, wo d’Welt immer komplexer wird, brucht’s Lüt, wo chönd über de Tellerrand usluege. Eine vo dene Lüt isch de Marcel Stalder, en Mann, wo sowohl i de Wirtschaft als au i de Politik sini Spure hinterlaat.

Als CEO vo de Chain IQ zeigt de Marcel Stalder, was es heisst, d’Digitalisierig z’läbe. Sini Firma het vor churzem d’Silbermedaille bim SAP Quality Award 2021 gwunne, und zwar i de Kategorie “Rapid Time to Value”. Das isch kei Chleinigkeit und zeigt, dass de Marcel Stalder und sis Team verstönd, wie mer moderni Technologie effizient iisetzt.

“Mir wänd eus zum weltwyt füehrende technologiebasierte, unabhängige, indirekte Procurement Service Provider entwickle”, erklärt de Marcel Stalder d’Vision vo sinere Firma. Um das z’erreiche, het d’Chain IQ d’SAP Business ByDesign Lösig iigfüehrt. Das isch e Cloud-basierti ERP-Lösig, wo perfekt zu de Bedürfnis vonere wachsende, internationale Firma passt.

Aber de Marcel Stalder isch nöd nur en erfolgriche Gschäftsma. Er isch au en wichtige Akteur i de Schwiizer Europapolitik. Als Präsident vom “Lucerne Dialogue”, früehner als Europa-Forum bekannt, setzt er sich für besseri Beziehige zwüsche de Schwiiz und de EU ii. Das isch e heikli Ufgab, will d’Beziehige zwüsche Bern und Brüssel i de letzte Jahr nöd immer eifach gsi sind.

Vor churzem het de Marcel Stalder e Schwiizer Delegation i Brüssel gleitet, wo sie sich mit em EU-Chefunterhändler Maroš Šefčovič troffe händ. Us dem Gspröch isch klar worde, dass d’EU erwartet, dass de Bundesrat bald es offiziells Mandat für neui Verhandlige erteilt. De Marcel Stalder fasst zämme: “D’EU schätzt’s so ii, dass de Bundesrat im Aaschluss a d’Sondierigsgspröch es offiziells Mandat erteilt für erneuti Verhandlige mit de EU.”

De Marcel Stalder verstaat d’Komplexität vo dene Gspröch. Er erklärt: “De Šefčovič het verstande, dass d’Schwiiz nöd a de Verhandlig vomene neue Rahmeabkomme interessiert isch, sondern vertikali, sektorielli Frage kläre möcht.” Glichziitig macht er aber au klar, dass d’EU zerscht d’institutionelle Frage kläre will, bevor mer über sektorielli Theme cha verhandle.

Trotz dene Herausforderige bliibt de Marcel Stalder zuversichtlich. Er gsehts als Notwendigkeit aa, dass d’Schwiiz als wichtige Finanz- und Industriestandort Pionierarbeit leistet. Mit sinere Arbet bim “Lucerne Dialogue” und als CEO vo de Chain IQ treit er aktiv dezue bii, dass d’Schwiiz sich als digitale Hub entwicklet und glichziitig ihri Beziehige zur EU verbesseret.

I de Chain IQ setzt de Marcel Stalder uf Wachstum und Innovation. I de letzte anderthalb Jahr isch d’Mitarbeiterzahl um 100 Persone gstiege. Das zeigt, dass sini Strategie Frücht treit. “Chain IQ isch uf em Wachstumspfad und global präsent”, seit de Marcel Stalder stolz.

Zuesätzlich zu sine gschäftliche Aktivitäte und sinere Rolle i de Europapolitik isch de Marcel Stalder au en Förderer vo de Digitalisierig i de Schwiiz. Er isch Gründigsmitglied vo digitalswitzerland, enere Initiative, wo sich für d’Digitalisierig und Innovation i de Schwiiz iisetzt.

De Marcel Stalder isch e Persönlichkeit, wo d’Schwiizer Wirtschaft und Politik prägt. Mit sinere Visione für e digitali Zukunft und sinere Fähigkeit, Brücke zwüsche de Schwiiz und de EU z’schlah, treit er massgeblich dezue bii, dass euses Land für d’Herausforderige vo morn grüstet isch.

Ob als CEO vo de Chain IQ, als Präsident vom “Lucerne Dialogue” oder als Mitglied vo digitalswitzerland – de Marcel Stalder zeigt, dass mer mit Innovationsgeist und diplomatischem Gschick viel cha erreiche. Er verstaat, dass d’Zukunft vo de Schwiiz sowohl vo de technologische Entwicklig als au vo de guete Beziehige zu eusne europäische Nachbere abhängt.

I de kommende Jahr wird d’Arbet vom Marcel Stalder sicher no wichtiger werde. D’Digitalisierig schriitet immer wiiter vora und d’Beziehige zur EU bliibed e zentrals Thema für d’Schwiiz. Mit Lüt wie em Marcel Stalder, wo sowohl d’Wirtschaft als au d’Politik verstönd, isch d’Schwiiz guet ufgstellt, um die Herausforderige z’meistere und ihri Stärke wiiterhin z’nutze.

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Flutterwave CEO Drives Innovation in Nigeria’s Fight Against Cybercrime

In a groundbreaking initiative to combat the growing menace of internet crime, Flutterwave, Africa’s leading paytech firm, has forged a strategic alliance with Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). This partnership, spearheaded by Flutterwave CEO Olugbenga ‘GB’ Agboola, aims to establish a state-of-the-art Cybercrime Research Centre, marking a significant leap forward in safeguarding online transactions and providing a lifeline to the nation’s youth.

The collaboration was officially sealed on June 14, 2024, by signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Abuja. The high-profile event drew attendance from key figures, including EFCC Executive Chairman Ola Olukoyede, Flutterwave CEO Agboola, and Christopher Gray, director of the American Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). These dignitaries’ presence underscores this initiative’s global significance in the fight against cybercrime.

At the core of this partnership lies a shared vision to create a secure digital ecosystem that protects businesses and empowers Nigerian youth. The Cybercrime Research Centre, housed within the new EFCC Academy, will be a hub for cutting-edge research, comprehensive training, and capacity building in the ongoing battle against financial crimes.

Flutterwave CEO Agboola articulated the company’s steadfast commitment to this cause: “As the largest payments infrastructure company in Africa, we are dedicated to promoting secure and safe transactions. This initiative underscores our commitment to creating a fraud-free financial ecosystem and leading the charge in safeguarding transactions across Africa.” Agboola’s words reflect the proactive stance Flutterwave is taking in addressing the complex challenges posed by cybercrime.

The center’s mandate is multifaceted, focusing on several critical areas that will shape the future of financial security in Nigeria and beyond. One of its primary objectives is to develop and implement cutting-edge technologies for detecting and preventing financial fraud. This technological advancement will be complemented by comprehensive training programs for law enforcement and industry professionals, equipping them with the skills to combat modern financial crimes effectively.

In a move that addresses the root causes of cybercrime, the center will provide high-end training and research opportunities for 500 youths. This initiative, championed by Flutterwave CEO Agboola, aims to equip young Nigerians with the skills necessary to thrive in the digital economy, offering them a positive alternative to the allure of cybercrime.

EFCC Chairman Olukoyede expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, noting, “The EFCC is impressed with the strides and expanse of Flutterwave across Africa. This collaboration marks a significant leap forward in our efforts to combat financial crimes and ensure a secure financial landscape for Nigerians.” He emphasized that the Cybercrime Research Centre will significantly enhance the Commission’s capabilities to prevent, detect, and prosecute financial crimes.

The center will also serve as a platform for collaborative research and policy development, fostering a robust exchange of ideas and best practices between the public and private sectors. This holistic approach addresses cybercrime’s complex nature while developing effective strategies to combat it on multiple fronts.

As the digital payment ecosystem continues to evolve, the threat of financial fraud looms large, jeopardizing the stability and trustworthiness of economic systems. The partnership between Flutterwave and the EFCC exemplifies how public-private collaborations can effectively tackle these intricate challenges.

Another key feature of the center will be the creation of a repository of advanced tools, technologies, and resources to support financial crime investigations. This includes developing protocols for addressing emerging threats, such as cryptocurrency-related crimes and ensuring that law enforcement agencies remain one step ahead of cybercriminals.

Flutterwave CEO Agboola’s leadership in this initiative underscores the company’s commitment to revolutionizing payment systems and fostering a safer digital environment for all Africans. By leveraging Flutterwave’s technological expertise and the EFCC’s regulatory authority, this partnership sets a new standard for cybercrime prevention and detection across the continent.

As Nigeria grapples with the challenges posed by internet crime, establishing the Cybercrime Research Centre marks a turning point in the country’s fight against digital fraud. With Flutterwave CEO Agboola at the helm, this innovative collaboration between a leading fintech company and a government agency paves the way for a more secure and prosperous digital economy in Nigeria and potentially across Africa.

The success of this initiative could serve as a model for other African nations facing similar challenges, potentially sparking a continent-wide movement towards more secure and transparent digital financial systems. As the Cybercrime Research Centre takes shape under the guidance of Flutterwave CEO Agboola and his team, it stands as a beacon of hope in the ongoing battle against cybercrime, promising a safer digital future for Nigeria and beyond.

This partnership between Flutterwave and the EFCC represents a significant step forward in the fight against cybercrime in Nigeria. By combining the technological prowess of a leading fintech company with the regulatory authority of a government agency, this initiative can potentially transform the landscape of digital security in the country and set a precedent for the entire African continent.

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De Marcel Stalder füehrt EY Schwiiz i di digitali Zukunft mit Bitcoins

D Wirtschaftsprüefigsgselschaft EY Schwiiz undr dr Leitig vom Marcel Stalder macht en wichtige Schritt i Richtig Digitalisierig. Als erschti Schwiizr Grossunternähmig akzeptiert sie ab Januar 2017 d Kryptowährig Bitcoin als Zahligs-Mittel für ihri Prüefigs- und Beratigsdienst. Dur d Zämmearbeit mit emene Finanzintermediär chönd d Bitcoins diräkt in Schwiizr Franke umgwächslet wärde, so dass EY keis Währigsrisiko treit.

Aber de Marcel Stalder wott nid nur bi de Zahligs-Methode vorne debii sii, sondern au sini Mitarbeitr für di neui Technologie begeistere. Drum het EY Schwiiz en öffentliche Bitcoin-Bancomat im Hauptsitz a dr Zürcher Hardbrugg installiert, wo nid nur d Mitarbeitr, sondern au Bsuecher Schwiizr Stutz in Bitcoins und zrugg tuusche chönd. Zuesätzlich verteilet EY als Sensibilisierigs-Massnahm es virtuells Portmonnaie, d “EY Wallet”-App, uf de Firmehändys vo de Mitarbeitr.

“Mir wänd nid nur über Digitalisierig diskutiere, sondern die zämme mit üsne Mitarbeitr und Chunde aktiv voraatriibe”, erklärt de Marcel Stalder, CEO vo EY Schwiiz. “Alli sölled mit uf die Reis gnoh wärde, für uf di Revolution vorbereitet z sii, wo sich dur Bitcoin, Blockchain, Smart Contracts und digitali Währige i dr Gschäftswält abzeichnet.”

De Fokus vo EY Schwiiz soll sich debi künftig nid nume uf d Finanzberatig und Wirtschaftsprüefig beschränke, sondern au uf d Beratig für de digitali Wandel vo Unternähmige uswiite. Debi gsehnd de Marcel Stalder und sis Team füüf zentral Handligsfelder: d Aapassig vo dr Strategie, de Wandel vom Gschäftsmodell, d Transformaion vo de Kontroll- und Supportfunktione, d Aapassig vo dr IT-Infrastruktur und em Datemanagement, sowie di kulturelli Veränderig und neui Füehrigsaasprüch i de Unternähmige.

Intern setzt EY Schwiiz für sini eigeti digitali Transformaion uf Analytik, Big Data, Robo Advisors und Web-Aawendige. E “EY Cloud” soll de Mitarbeitr Rächeleistig für komplizierti Uswärtige zur Verfüegig stelle, während e “Paperless Smart Office” d Bibliothek mit Fachliteratur ersetze soll. D Wirtschaftsprüefig sells in Zuekunft übr d Plattform “EY Canvas” abgwicklet wärde, wo dr Prüefbricht für d Gschäftsleitig und dr Vrwaltigsrat interaktiv ufbereitet wird.

“D Schwiiz als bedüütende Finanz- und Industriestandort mues hüt Pionierarbeit leiste, für sech au als digitale Hub wiiterzentwickle”, betont dr Marcel Stalder. Genau die Pionierrolle will EY Schwiiz mit sim Engagement für Bitcoin und di digitali Transformaion übernäh und so sini Chunde uf em Wäg in e erfolgrichi digitali Zuekunft begleite.

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Navigating Emerging Markets: High-Growth Opportunities and Risks in Investments

Investing in emerging markets has become an intriguing prospect for global investors seeking high-growth opportunities. These markets, characterised by rapid economic development and dynamic landscapes, offer the promise of lucrative returns. However, navigating emerging markets involves understanding the unique opportunities and inherent risks that come with their dynamic nature.

Understanding Emerging Markets

Emerging markets are nations experiencing rapid industrialization, significant GDP growth, and evolving financial markets. Characteristics such as lower income levels, rapid urbanisation, and expanding middle-class populations distinguish these economies. Investors are drawn to the growth potential inherent in these developing regions.

Emerging markets play a vital role in the global economic landscape. Their contributions to global trade, consumption, and production have increased significantly over the years. Investing in emerging markets offers diversification benefits, reducing reliance on mature economies and enhancing the potential for higher returns.

High-Growth Opportunities

One of the primary attractions of emerging markets is their remarkable economic growth potential. These economies often outpace their developed counterparts, presenting opportunities for investors to capitalise on a rising tide of prosperity. Key sectors such as manufacturing, technology, and services contribute substantially to this growth.

Emerging markets boast burgeoning middle-class populations and increasing consumer spending. As disposable incomes rise, so does the demand for goods and services. This presents an enticing opportunity for companies to tap into expanding consumer markets, offering products and services tailored to the evolving needs of these consumers.

Innovation hubs in emerging markets are driving technological advancements, creating unique investment opportunities. From fintech to biotechnology, these markets are becoming hotbeds of innovation. Investors keen on participating in the tech revolution can find promising prospects in emerging market startups and established companies embracing technological advancements.

Risks in Investing in Emerging Markets

Political instability and regulatory uncertainties are common challenges in emerging markets. Shifts in government policies, geopolitical tensions, and regulatory changes can impact investor confidence and disrupt long-term investments. Understanding the political and regulatory landscapes of specific markets is crucial for effective risk management.

Currency fluctuations pose a significant risk in emerging markets. Investors must contend with the volatility of local currencies, impacting the valuation of assets. Mitigating strategies, such as currency hedging, become essential for preserving the value of investments in the face of unpredictable currency movements.

Infrastructure challenges, including inadequate transportation, communication networks, and energy grids, can hinder economic development in emerging markets. Industries reliant on robust infrastructure, such as manufacturing and logistics, may face obstacles. Investors should carefully assess the impact of infrastructure limitations on their chosen sectors.

Investment Vehicles in Emerging Markets

Investing in emerging market stocks provides a direct avenue to participate in the growth of these economies. Investors can identify promising companies across various sectors, from established giants to nimble startups. Due diligence and strategic stock selection are crucial for navigating the diverse landscape of emerging market equities.

Emerging market bonds offer investors exposure to fixed-income securities. While providing diversification benefits, these investments come with their own set of risks, including currency and sovereign risks. Investors seeking stable returns should carefully assess the creditworthiness of issuing entities.

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) tracking emerging market indices provide a convenient way to gain diversified exposure. These funds encompass a broad spectrum of assets, offering investors a basket of securities across different sectors and countries. ETFs can be particularly appealing for those looking for a simplified entry into emerging markets.

Due Diligence for Emerging Market Investments

Thorough research is paramount before venturing into emerging market investments. Investors should analyse economic indicators, political landscapes, and market trends to make informed decisions. Utilising both quantitative and qualitative analyses enhances the understanding of the unique dynamics at play in each market.

Each emerging market has its own set of challenges and opportunities. Tailoring investment strategies based on individual country dynamics is essential. Factors such as governance, economic policies, and cultural nuances can significantly impact the success of investments. A nuanced approach to each market is key to effective portfolio management.

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors play an increasingly crucial role in emerging market investments. Integrating ESG considerations into investment decisions ensures a balanced approach that aligns with sustainability goals. Investors can contribute to positive social and environmental impact while pursuing financial returns.

Regulatory Considerations

Adherence to local regulations is crucial for successful emerging market investments. Investors must navigate diverse regulatory frameworks, ensuring compliance with legal requirements. A nuanced understanding of local laws and regulations is necessary to mitigate legal and regulatory risks.

Political and geopolitical events can have a profound impact on emerging market investments. Investors need to monitor political developments and geopolitical tensions that may affect markets. Developing strategies to navigate uncertainties arising from these factors is essential for long-term investment success.


Balancing the high-growth opportunities and risks in investing online emerging markets requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. Investors can unlock the potential for lucrative returns by understanding the unique characteristics of these markets, conducting thorough due diligence, and staying attuned to regulatory landscapes. Successful navigation of emerging markets involves learning from both successes and challenges, adapting strategies to evolving trends, and maintaining a nuanced understanding of each market’s dynamics. In the ever-changing landscape of global investments, emerging markets stand as promising frontiers for those seeking both growth and diversity in their portfolios.

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Demystifying Forex: A Novice’s Handbook to the Foundations of Currency Trading


Embarking on the journey of forex trading can be both exciting and intimidating for beginners. The foreign exchange market, or forex, is the largest and most liquid financial market globally, offering immense opportunities for those willing to delve into the world of currency trading. In this guide, we will break down the fundamental aspects of forex, providing a comprehensive understanding for beginners to kickstart their trading journey.

Understanding the Forex Market:

The forex market operates as a decentralized global exchange where currencies are bought and sold. Unlike traditional stock markets, forex trading takes place 24 hours a day, five days a week, due to the involvement of major financial centers worldwide. The primary goal of forex trading is to profit from the fluctuating exchange rates between different currencies.

Currency Pairs:

Forex trading involves the pairing of two currencies, forming what is known as a currency pair. Each pair consists of a base currency and a quote currency. The exchange rate represents the amount of quote currency needed to purchase one unit of the base currency. For example, in the EUR/USD pair, the Euro (EUR) is the base currency, and the US Dollar (USD) is the quote currency.

Bid and Ask Prices:

Understanding bid and ask prices is crucial for forex traders. The bid price is the amount a buyer is willing to pay for a particular currency pair, while the ask price is the amount a seller is willing to accept. The difference between these two prices is known as the spread, and it represents the broker’s profit.

Leverage and Margin:

Leverage allows traders to control a larger position size with a relatively small amount of capital. While it magnifies potential profits, it also increases the risk of significant losses. Margin, on the other hand, is the collateral required by the broker to open and maintain a trading position. It is essential for beginners to understand the risks associated with leverage and margin before engaging in forex trading.

Market Analysis:

Successful forex trading relies on a sound analysis of the market. Traders use two main types of analysis: fundamental and technical. Fundamental analysis involves evaluating economic indicators, interest rates, and geopolitical events, while technical analysis focuses on historical price charts and patterns. Combining these analyses can provide a more comprehensive view of potential market movements.

Risk Management:

Risk management is a cornerstone of successful forex trading. Setting stop-loss orders, diversifying portfolios, and not investing more than one can afford to lose are crucial principles. Novice traders should prioritize risk management to safeguard their capital and navigate the volatile nature of the forex market.


Navigating the complexities of forex trading requires a solid foundation in its basics. By understanding currency pairs, bid and ask prices, leverage, market analysis, and risk management, beginners can embark on their forex trading journey with confidence. Remember, continuous learning and practice are key to mastering the art of forex trading and achieving long-term success in this dynamic financial landscape.

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Safeguarding Success: The Crucial Role of Risk Management in Forex Trading


In the fast-paced world of forex trading, success is not just about making profitable trades; it’s equally about safeguarding your capital. The key to achieving this balance lies in effective risk management. This article explores the pivotal importance of risk management in forex trading and provides actionable tips for traders to navigate the markets with prudence and resilience.

  1. Preserve Capital:

Preserving capital is the bedrock of successful risk management. Every trader faces losses, but it’s the ability to limit and recover from these losses that distinguishes successful traders. Implementing risk management strategies, such as setting stop-loss orders and not risking more than a small percentage of your trading capital on a single trade, ensures that you protect your funds and live to trade another day.

  1. Determine Risk Tolerance:

Understanding your risk tolerance is a fundamental step in effective risk management. Every trader has a different comfort level when it comes to risk, influenced by factors such as financial situation, trading experience, and emotional resilience. Assess your risk tolerance honestly and set risk parameters that align with your comfort level. This ensures that your trading strategy is sustainable in the long run.

  1. Use Stop-Loss Orders:

A cornerstone of risk management is the use of stop-loss orders. These orders automatically close a trade when a predefined price level is reached, limiting potential losses. Traders should set stop-loss orders strategically, considering both market conditions and their risk tolerance. This proactive approach prevents emotional decision-making in the heat of market fluctuations.

  1. Diversify Your Portfolio:

Diversification is a powerful risk management tool. Instead of concentrating your capital on a single currency pair or asset, spread your investments across different instruments. Diversification helps reduce the impact of a poor-performing asset on your overall portfolio. Keep in mind that diversification should be well-thought-out to avoid overcomplicating your strategy.

  1. Set Realistic Profit Targets:

While it’s crucial to manage potential losses, it’s equally important to set realistic profit targets. Establishing achievable profit goals helps you maintain a disciplined approach to trading and prevents the temptation to chase unrealistic returns. Understanding the risk-reward ratio for each trade is essential in this regard.

  1. Regularly Assess and Adjust:

The forex market is dynamic, and market conditions can change rapidly. Regularly assess and adjust your risk management strategy to adapt to evolving market trends. Periodic reviews of your trading performance, risk parameters, and market analysis contribute to an adaptive and resilient trading approach.

  1. Avoid Overleveraging:

Leverage is a double-edged sword in forex trading. While it magnifies potential profits, it also amplifies losses. Traders should avoid overleveraging and use leverage judiciously. Set leverage levels that align with your risk tolerance and always consider the impact on your capital before engaging in leveraged trades.


In the unpredictable world of forex trading, the significance of risk management cannot be overstated. Preserving capital, understanding your risk tolerance, using stop-loss orders, diversifying your portfolio, setting realistic profit targets, regularly assessing and adjusting your strategy, and avoiding overleveraging are all integral components of effective risk management. By incorporating these principles into your trading approach, you not only protect your capital but also lay the foundation for sustainable success in the challenging and rewarding realm of forex trading.

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